[Webinar] The UK’s Energy Transition and Lessons Learned for Korea’s Power Grid Reform (Co-hosted by British Embassy Seoul, Ember, NEXT Group)

Author사단법인 넥스트 Email Date2023.03.14 Views84


This webinar aims to share analytical results on the policy and market factors that led to the UK’s early energy transition and lessons learned for Korea's power grid reform.


• (Summary) This webinar aims to share analytical results on the policy and market factors that led to the UK’s early energy transition and lessons learned for Korea's power grid reform.

• (Registration) Webinar registration link 

• (Time/Date) 14:00-16:30, March 24, 2023 

• (Program)  

*MC: Eunsung Kim, COO, NEXT Group

- 14:00-14:15 Opening & Introduction

- 14:15-14:20 Welcoming Remark

- 14:20-14:50 Presentation 1: Solving the Coal Puzzle in the UK: How Clean Power Overtook Coal in a Decade (Phil MacDonald, Managing Director, Ember)

- 14:50-15:20 Presentation 2: The UK’s Grid Reform Strategy that Led to Early Renewable-Oriented Power System (Yonghyun Song, CTO, NEXT Group)

- 15:20-15:40 Coffee Break

- 15:40-16:25 Panel Discussion & Q&A

- 16:25-16:30 Closing

Research Track