[Webinar] The Road to Net-zero Steel in Korea and Japan

Author사단법인 넥스트 Email Date2023.09.28 Views96


The steel sector is known to be the largest emitter, accounting for about 7% of the world's annual GHG emissions, and in South Korea, it accounts for a staggering 15% of total national GHG emissions, and in Japan, about 13%. This webinar aims to share the findings of the steel sector decarbonization strategies of two major steel producers and Asian neighbors, South Korea and Japan, and compare their similarities and differences in terms of implementation strategies, technological alternatives, and policy instruments that can support them. We will also share the views of a global civil society organization on the role and position of these two countries in the global steel decarbonization.


(Summary) The steel sector is known to be the largest emitter, accounting for about 7% of the world's annual GHG emissions, and in South Korea, it accounts for a staggering 15% of total national GHG emissions, and in Japan, about 13%. This webinar aims to share the findings of the steel sector decarbonization strategies of two major steel producers and Asian neighbors, South Korea and Japan, and compare their similarities and differences in terms of implementation strategies, technological alternatives, and policy instruments that can support them. We will also share the views of a global civil society organization on the role and position of these two countries in the global steel decarbonization.


(Time) October 10, 2023 10:00-11:10 JST/KST

(Hosts) NEXT group, Renewable Energy Institute 


 - 10:00-10:05 Opening & Introduction

 - 10:05-10:20 Presentation 1. Net-zero Roadmap for Korea's Steel Sector

 - 10:20-10:35 Presentation 2. Japan's Path to Net-zero Steel Industry

 - 10:35-10:45 Presentation 3. Leadership Wanted: How Japan and Korea Can Contribute to 1.5 Degrees

 - 10:45-11:05 Q&A & Discussion

 - 11:05-11:10 Closing

Research Track