The RE100 campaign is a voluntary campaign of global companies to use 100% renewable energy for their business and production process. This paper considers various implementation strategies by combining feasible solutions so that domestic enterprises can economically achieve RE100. The first strategy is to purchase electricity from Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) and to use the green pricing to certify the use of renewable energy
DOI: 10.22982/NEXTWP.2021.02.04
※ 본 논문은 국문으로 작성되었습니다.
The RE100 campaign is a voluntary campaign of global companies to use 100% renewable energy for their business and production process. This paper considers various implementation strategies by combining feasible solutions so that domestic enterprises can economically achieve RE100. The first strategy is to purchase electricity from Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) and to use the green pricing to certify the use of renewable energy. The second strategy is to contract a brokerage PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) between a company and a renewable energy generation, with KEPCO as an intermediary. Finally, the third strategy is to contract via a corporate PPA, with the newly introduced renewable energy supplier. Parameter values that affect the cost of each strategy and detailed description of the strategy are discussed in this paper. In conclusion, we have found out that the RE100 implementation strategy based on the direct PPA can be most economic way in some scenarios.
Recommended Citation
Lee, J. W., & Kim, S. W. (2021). Cost Analysis on RE100 Implementation Strategies of Electricity Consuming Company for RE100 Achievement. NEXT Group Working Paper Series, 2021-01