Due to the large-scale expansion of new semiconductor industries and data centers, electricity demand in the metropolitan area is expected to increase by at least 19 GW by 2034. However, the 9th Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and the Demand and Power Grid Reinforcement Plan does not reflect the current surge in electricity demand in the metropolitan area. The imbalance in electricity supply and demand between the metropolitan area and the non-metropolitan area contributes to system instability. To achieve carbon neutrality while maintaining system stability, a change in the existing power system is inevitable.
• (Current Status) Due to the large-scale expansion of new semiconductor industries and data centers, electricity demand in the metropolitan area is expected to increase by at least 19 GW by 2034.
- (Semiconductor industry) If Samsung Electronics' Pyeongtaek Campus and SK Hynix's Yongin Cluster are completed and operational as planned by 2025, additional demand for at least 3.5 GW is expected compared to the current level.
- (Data center) Data centers are expected to require an additional 14.7 GW (13.5 GW for the metropolitan area) power in 2029 (Korea Electric Power Corporation).
• (Issues & Problems) The 9th Basic Plan for Electricity Supply and the Demand and Power Grid Reinforcement Plan does not reflect the current surge in electricity demand in the metropolitan area.
- According to the 9th Basic Plan on Power Supply and Demand, the metropolitan area's power expansion (including transmission capability) is planned for 10.5 GW based on rated capacity, so some power demand needs to be moved to non-metropolitan areas or additional power generation facilities and fusion lines should be secured in the metropolitan area.
- The imbalance in electricity supply and demand between the metropolitan area and the non-metropolitan area contributes to system instability • A total of 34 or more coal-fired generators nationwide operate must-run generators to maintain system stability.
- In the current system, there is a paradox in that more thermal power plants must be placed in areas linking the metropolitan area with the non-metropolitan area (the central area) in order to stabilize the system. It may hinder the implementation of the existing plan to eliminate coal-fired power generation.
• (Implications)
- It is necessary to move the electricity demand of the semiconductor industry and data center to a non-metropolitan area or otherwise to secure additional power generation facilities and transmission lines within the metropolitan area.
- To achieve carbon neutrality while maintaining system stability, a change in the existing power system is inevitable.
• (Suggestions)
- An impact assessment of the power system is essential to reduce centralized power grid dependence.
- Business plans for semiconductor manufacturing facilities and data centers should be approved only after a special bill on the revitalization of distributed energy has been passed and a power system impact assessment conducted.
- A specific introduction plan is needed for the supply of resources for system inertia other than generators, such as synchronous condensers.